Our Team

Africapols is the builder of a bridge between citizens and policymakers and founded by Dr Alain Metodjo. We are working to appoint our Board Members

Dr Alain Metodjo is a political scientist. He earned his doctoral degree from the Sorbonne University of Paris 1. He is also a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. An accomplished political analyst with a proven track record in strategy and management, he enjoys using his analytical skills to solve global challenges. He carries out political science research, teaches, publishes and has led many projects on topics ranging from education to African affairs. He has worked across several sectors, and themes, including public affairs, communication, electoral mobilisation, civic engagement, and journalism. He is passionate about democratic innovations and social justice, as he likes making a positive impact on communities. His aim is to help citizens and organisations shape a bright, more inclusive and equitable democratic society.

Our Work

We imagine and bring to life the ways to involve citizens in policy stages, conceived, developed, delivered or evaluated.

Get Involved

We are on a mission to help citizens and governments shape a bright and fair democratic society in Africa. Our values are Participation, Inclusion and Innovation. Become a part of our step forward.